A case report on the immediate endodontic management strateg | 103685

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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A case report on the immediate endodontic management strategy of transverse fracture and associated traumatic injury

Author(s): Alyami Yahia*


This case report details the management of transverse fracture and associated dental trauma to the adjacent teeth. The importance of immediate splinting to prevent further movement of the tooth is taken into consideration. The appropriate utilization of calcium hydroxide in the management of root fracture and apexogenesis was performed. The benefits of biocompatible putty in transverse fracture repair are sensed and utilized promptly. A long-term follow-up of the case is required to understand the benefit of the timely use of materials in this case.

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