Publication Policies

[eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545]





JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN MEDICAL AND DENTAL SCIENCE [JRMDS] endorses publication policies and practices recommended by Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), World Association of Medical Editors (WAME) Policy Statement on Geopolitical Intrusion on Editorial Decisions and International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals. Submission of manuscript for prospective publication at JRMDS automatically implies that authors agree with Journal publication policies and formatting guidelines and that the content of their submissions comply with ethical requirements. Authors take responsibility of their affiliations and the copyright of the sourced pictorial representations that they include in the manuscript.


Research ethics and approvals

Clinical research involving human subjects or material derived from humans or biometric or clinical data should be based on Declaration of Helsinki prior to which Institutional ethical committee approvals must be secured. Such manuscripts must include ethical approval statement while the details of the ethical committee and associated reference number if any must be made available in data repository. Exemption of approvals if any must be provided in detail. Details regarding the ethical conduct of the research must be furnished to the Editor-in-Chief, if requested.  The final decision on publication of articles involving research ethics remains with the Editor-in-Chief. Retrospective ethical approvals are not permissible and the approvals must be submitted prior to completion of the manuscript peer-review.


Informed patient consent

Informed patient consent is mandatory for novel clinical procedures or medical devices excluding for those approved for clinical use by the authors Institution. Informed consent has to be obtained from the study participants/parents or legal guardians.  Consent must be obtained before communication of the biomedical, clinical or biometric data. Articles discussing human transplantation experiments must provide details of the institution, clinic, or hospital from where the organs or tissues were received. Written confirmation of consent must be provided as applicable. Human derived cells, tissues or organs such as gametes, embryos, stem cells, their transport and their clinical or biomedical applications necessitates adherence to the relevant national or international guidelines and regulations. Informed consent of the recipients or donors, consent documentation as well as condition of the donation can be requested by the handling Editor/Editor-in-Chief.


Ethics relevant to experimentation involving animals

Experimental studies involving invertebrate or vertebrates must conform to the Institutional, national or international guidelines duly approved by the animal research ethical committee. The fundamental principles governing the experimental animal model studies must be based on International Council for Laboratory Animal Science (ICLAS) ethical guidelines. Statement on compliance with ethical committee guidelines described by The Committee for the Purpose of Control and Supervision of Experiments on Animals (CPCSEA), ethical approvals, ethics committee composition and associated reference number, if any must be made available to the Editor/Editor-in-Chief. The manuscript can be corrected, rejected, withdrawn or retracted if any deviation is observed from common norms of animal research.



Manuscripts must adequately describe the biological containment and biosafety procedures in cases where the material could be potentially harmful outside the controlled conditions. Researchers are generally expected to comply with institution or funding agency requirements. Regulation relevant to biological risk, biosecurity, biological safety, biological threat and biological defense must be strictly adhered to.


Complementary and alternative medicine

Experimentation involving complementary and alternative medicines has no exemptions with regards to the standards of medical research and evidence as conventional research on active pharmaceutical components or ingredient. Clinical research involving such medicine must comply with Declaration of Helsinki. The use of controls, standards, randomization in the experimental design must match those with biomedical and pharmaceutical research.


Clinical trials

All clinical trials that are reported in manuscripts submitted to JRMDS must be registered in accordance with ICMJE rules. In case the authors are not sure whether to register their trials, please consult ICMJE FAQs. The registries mentioned on the ICMJE website as well as any of the key registries that take part in the WHO International Clinical Trials Registry Platform, including the ISRCTN registry is publically accessible. The abstract must contain the trial registration number (TRN) and date of registration. JRMDS recommends retrospective registration for clinical trials that weren't initially registered in order to guarantee the full publication of all findings.

Manuscripts must adequately describe the biological containment and biosafety procedures in cases where the material could be potentially harmful outside the controlled conditions. The material described in the study and the associated data must be made available to the readers for non-commercial purpose under Creative commons Attribution License [4.0].  JRMDS also encourages deposition of data at publicly available repositories. Authors need to submit the data as supplementary files if the data could not be accommodated within the manuscript. Genomic data, nucleic acid or protein sequences data can also be deposited in public access repository and made available to the external independent reviewer.  However, the publicly available datasets must be fully referenced with unique identifiers such as digital object identifier or URL Author(s) of the article must ensure the completeness and accuracy of the presented data in the manuscript.


Article types

JRMDS accepts manuscripts that report randomized control trials, systematic reviews, meta-analysis, observational studies, qualitative research, case reports, diagnostic or prognostic studies, economic evaluations, preclinical studies, animal experimentation, clinical studies and regulatory studies. The reporting of these findings must adhere to the internationally recognized guidelines.


Competing interest

When the authors' interpretation of data or presentation of information is or potentially influenced by their financial, personal or professional relations to other persons or organization, then it is supposed that a conflicting interest exists. Receiving reimbursements, fees, funding, or salary from a company that could financially benefit or lose from the publication; owning stock in a company that could financially benefit from or lose from the publication; and possessing or actively seeking patents that relate to the manuscript's content are all examples of financial competing interests. Political, personal, religious, ideological, academic, and intellectual competing interests are examples of non-financial competing interests.

All the authors must declare the status if the competing interest (financial or non-financial) for the work being reported in the manuscript. Similarly, editors and reviewers are also required to declare the competing interest before taking charge of the manuscript editorial processing for fair and transparent review process. Pharmaceutical company sponsored authors and authors from other for-profit entities that fund clinical studies should disclose their competing interests when submitting their work.


Authorship gives a researcher credit for their contributions to the advancement and expansion of knowledge in the field and carries responsibility with it. Writers must meet the requirements listed below to claim the authorship. It is expected that each author contributes significantly to:

  • The conception or design of the work/study 
  • The acquisition of data, analysis, or interpretation of analytical results
  • The creation of new software used in the work
  • Have drafted the work or substantively revised it and approved the submitted version

Colleagues in the places where the study is being conducted are encouraged to collaborate, and JRMDS expects them to be included as co-authors if they meet any of the above-mentioned requirements. Anyone who contributed in the manuscript but didn't match the requirements for authorship should be acknowledged in the acknowledgements section of the manuscript. The formal application must be sent to the Editor by authors who want to change their authorship. Please note that after a paper has been accepted for publication, authorship cannot be changed.


Corresponding authors

Corresponding authors are in charge of making sure that all listed authors, including the names and order of authors, have approved the manuscript before submission, that all authors receive the submission and all substantive correspondence with editors, as well as the review comments and suggestions, and that all authors confirm that all data, figures, and materials adhere to the field's and journal's transparency and reproducibility standards. The editors will address any potential authorship disputes in accordance with COPE standards.


Preprint deposition

Preprints are defined as an author’s version of a research manuscript prior to formal peer-review at a journal, which is deposited on a public server. JRMDS encourage posting of preprints of primary research manuscripts on preprint servers of the authors’ choice, authors’ or institutional websites, and open communications between researchers either on community preprint servers or preprint commenting platforms.


Manuscript submission

The submitted manuscript shouldn't have already been published in other journal or another citable format. JRMDS utilizes software to detect plagiarism and any suspected instances of submitting a duplicate manuscript will be addressed in accordance with the COPE rules. Editor may contact the authors' institution. JRMDS functions in accordance with the ICMJE's guidelines for overlapping manuscripts.

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Parts of the Ph. D thesis or other academic dissertations are considered for peer-review in accordance with the requirement of the Institutions awarding the qualifications. Similarly, the abstracts, poster presentations and conference deliberations are also considered for peer-review to convert them into citable scientific record.



Making scientific data sets available in the public domain before associated manuscripts are submitted won't prevent JRMDS from considering them. JRMDS supports such data sharing since a large number of funding organizations demand that award recipients provide the data of the study outcomes.


Peer review policy

Every manuscript submission to JRMDS has to undergo thorough peer-review. Generally two impartial external peer reviewers other than the Editor often conduct this scientific evaluation. The assigned Editor evaluates each contribution to JRMDS and determines if it is appropriate for peer review. The Handling Editor will identify competent independent experts to conduct peer review of submissions that are deemed appropriate for consideration. The editorial decision on a manuscript will be based on the reviewers' reports, comments and suggestion, and authors will be conveyed these reports along with the editorial opinion. The manuscript must receive a minimum of two favorable reviews in order to be accepted for publication. Throughout and even after the review process, all communication between authors and reviewers will go through the Journal editors. The Journal follows closed peer-review system where the identity of the reviewer is closed to the authors.




All articles submitted to JRMDS will be handled confidentially by the handing editors. The COPE Ethics Guidelines for Peer Reviewers are followed. Hence, reviewers must adhere to the peer review process confidentiality and refrain from disclosing information about a submission or its review to anybody besides the Journal during and even after the peer-review process.


Correction/Withdrawal/Retraction policy

When handling situations involving alleged malpractice, JRMDS abides by COPE principles. It may be required for the Editor to correspond with third parties, like the affiliated institution of the authors, with ethics committee, in cases of suspected research or publication misconduct. The Editor may reject or withdraw a manuscript and notify third parties, authors’ institution and ethics committee, if there is suspicion that the study has not been conducted within an adequate ethical framework. Research data manipulation with the goal of creating a false impression is known as data falsification. This involves editing, adding, or removing data points, altering graphics, removing outliers, etc. The fabrication of data refers to making up study results. The Editor will be contacted if there are any concerns made regarding data integrity during or following the peer review process. The author(s) may be asked to provide the Editor with study data for review. The manuscript may be rejected or, in the instance of a published article, retracted if the original data cannot be produced. JRMDS abides by the COPE regulations defining how to handle situations involving possible publishing malpractice.

To preserve the credibility of the academic record, JRMDS reserves the right to publish amendments to or retractions of papers that have been published. The note will detail any changes made to the initial article. Both the original article and any subsequent corrections or retractions will be made available in the public domain. If the content is deemed to violate specific rights or is defamatory, JRMDS reserves the right to delete it from the website and archive sites in very extraordinary and unusual circumstances.

Rarely, it may become essential to retract published articles when the interpretation or conclusion of an article is significantly compromised and the original article is watermarked as having been retracted. Articles that violates a third party's intellectual property rights, or one that poses serious risk to health, may be removed by JRMDS under extraordinary and rare circumstances. However, bibliographic metadata, such as the title and authors, will be retained together with a note describing the removal of the material.