A Retrospective Analysis on Interdental Bone Changes After O | 61389

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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A Retrospective Analysis on Interdental Bone Changes After Orthodontic Treatment

Author(s): Nor Syakirah binti Shahroom and Ravindra Kumar Jain*


Orthodontic treatment is known for its benefits of making teeth align properly along with improving occlusion and jaw relation. However, some risks and complications may be encountered by the patient including discoloration, decalcification, root resorption, periodontal complications, and allergies. A retrospective study was conducted in a private dental hospital to assess the changes in the interdental bone of the patients who underwent orthodontic fixed appliance treatment. A total number of 30 subjects who had undergone fixed appliance orthodontic treatment were divided into two groups in which 14 subjects were in Group A - non extraction group and 16 subjects were in Group B-extraction group. The interdental bone heights were measured from distal of lower canine to mesial of the second molar in the third and fourth quadrant and the mental foramen was selected as the reference point. Measurements were done on both pre-operative and post-operative panoramic radiographs for both groups and subjected to statistical analysis. A paired T test was done to find the significance of difference in the two groups. The results of the study showed that there was no significant decrease in interdental bone height in the group A (p>0.05). However, there was a significant decrease in interdental bone height in group B (p<0.05). On comparing the interdental bone height changes between the two groups, only the interdental area between 34-35 in group A and 33-35 in group B showed statistically significant differences (p<0.05), similarly in quadrant 4. In conclusion, vertical bone loss in the interproximal area after orthodontic treatment was more significant in the patients undergoing extractions for orthodontic treatment.

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