A study on awareness of tobacco products use risk among Law | 1703

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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A study on awareness of tobacco products use risk among Law College students of Mohan Lal Sukhadia University (MLSU), Udaipur (Rajasthan)

Author(s): Ashok Yadav, Rajkumari Ahir, Manoj Arya, H N Mathur


Introduction: Tobacco is a major public health problem since decades. Given the current pattern of tobacco use globally it is estimated 250 million who are alive today, would die prematurely because of tobacco and mostly in developing countries, India rank 4th in the total tobacco consumption in the world but India's cigarette consumption ranks 11th in the world. The world Health Organization has predicted that tobacco deaths in India may exceed 1.5 million annually by 2020.

Aims & Objective: To determine the awareness about various risk factor of tobacco uses among college going students.

Material and Methods: It is a cross sectional study conducted in four randomly selected sections out of eighteen sections of University College of Law of Mohan Lal Sukhadia University (MLSU). Study population included 200 college students who were present at the time of study. Data was statistical analysed by using Microsoft Excel 2007 and Epi-info 3.5.3.

Result: A total of 200 students participated in the study, of which 69.5% were male. Majority of study population (66%) belongs to 18-20 years age group and middle class status. Knowledge of ill effect of tobacco use were mouth cancer – 97.5%, lung cancer – 92.5%, chest disease – 75%, throat cancer – 27.5% etc. Mass media, friends, teacher and relatives (91%) were the major source of information.

Conclusion: The results clearly indicate major lacunae not only in current educational system but also in parental upbringing not giving worthy importance to smoking and its health hazards. Knowledge of tobacco prevention legislation is still poor among law college students even since 2003.


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