A study on hypertension and comparability between one readin | 1750

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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A study on hypertension and comparability between one reading and average of three readings of blood pressure by mercury sphygmomanometer among adults in a slum of Kolkata

Author(s): Nabarun Karmakar, Saugat Banerjee, Amiya Das, Aparajita Dasgupta, Mahul Mukhopadhyay


Background: Hypertension, a major chronic lifestyle disease is most prevalent non communicable disease in India. Blood pressure (BP) measurements in the community are generally performed with a mercury sphygmomanometer. However, it is the common teaching that average of at least three readings of blood pressure measurement is considered to be the gold-standard method. How far this is true has been determined in this study with the
To find out the prevalence of hypertension and compare the one reading of blood pressure taken by mercury sphygmomanometer with average of three such readings.
Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted from January-March 2015 among 160 adults of Chetla slum, Kolkata chosen through a two stage sample design. Subjects included -Male: 39.4%; Female: 60.6%. Data was collected by interview and blood pressure measurements. Comparison was made between the first reading and the average of three readings of BP taken by mercury sphygmomanometer.
Result: The overall prevalence of hypertension was found to be 30 % (48). Strength of agreement between first reading of Blood Pressure with that of average reading was excellent, with kappa=0.940.
Conclusion: Though the average of three blood pressure readings according to Standard operation Procedure is considered ideal for accurate Blood Pressure measurement it may not always be feasible to undertake such a practice especially at community level. This study observes that single reading can safely be considered for Blood Pressure measurement instead of average of three readings.


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