A Study on the Triage in Hospitals Affiliated to Shahid Behe | 1689

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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A Study on the Triage in Hospitals Affiliated to Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences and Comparing It with the Standards

Author(s): Hojjat Derakhshanfar, Kamelia Hemmat


The correct and fast triage of patients is the key to successful performance of the emergency department, and since studies have shown that an error in the patient's triage can produce irreparable consequences, continuous monitoring and efforts to resolve the problems are very necessary in this regard. Considering the above, the present study with the aim of determining and comparing the level of triage in Imam Hussein (AS), Shohada-ie- Tajrish and Loghman-e-Hakim hospitals, prepared a survey questionnaire based on the triage regulations and the standards set forth therein, and by questioning all triage employees in all the three hospitals had compared the conditions of the triage in these hospitals. The results obtained did not show a significant difference in comparison between the three hospitals. But in comparison with the standard level, it can be said that in all three hospitals there are deficiencies in physical conditions and equipment as well as the number of triage personnel.


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