A Study to Assess the Level of Knowledge on Women Regarding | 87349

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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A Study to Assess the Level of Knowledge on Women Regarding Awareness of Breast Self-Examination, Which Reduce the Risk for Breast Cancer Complication

Author(s): Mrs. Jeyasree and AR. Bharathi*


International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in December 2020 states that Breast cancer is the number one common cancer around the world and it has surpassed lung cancer occurrence. WHO and IARC in 2020 have decided to join hands in eradicating or minimising deaths caused due to breast cancer by creating an awareness of breast health, early diagnosis and providing quality care to everyone in need. The occurrence of cancer has not gone down but doubled in the last 20 years. It was estimated to be 10 million in 2000 but has raised to an alarming 19.3 million in 2020. Currently it is projected that 20% of the world population will develop cancer. It is an utmost significant fact that Breast among other cancers can be cured if detected well in advance. When it comes to women, breast cancer is the commonly detected cancer and also the foremost cause of cancer death. Apart from regular mammogram tests it is necessary to instil the importance of breast selfexamination in women. Hence the present study was designed to analyse the awareness among women about breast selfexamination and breast cancer. Among 100 women, 77% of them had zero or minimal knowledge about breast selfexamination. This type of study helps public health interventions and reiterates the importance of awareness programs.

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