Aggressiveness and increased lymph node involvement in young | 1358

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Aggressiveness and increased lymph node involvement in younger patients (<40 years) suffering from breast cancer

Author(s): Nisha Gupta, Asha Satwara, Gunjan Bala, Jignasha Mungra, Pravina Santwani


Introduction: Breast cancer is 4th leading cause of death in many parts of world. Unexplained increase in aggressiveness and more number of lymph node involvements in young females with breast cancer is of interest.
Objective: This study is designed to assess the lymph node involvement in younger patients (<40 years) suffering from breast cancer
Method: This study has been done on MRM specimen of 90 females of breast cancer from (Jan 2014-jan 2015) in pathology department of Shri. M. P. Shah. Govt. Medical College, Jamnagar. This study includes the age, lymph node status, grading and staging.
After analyzing, only 2(2.22%) females <25 years , 42(46.7%)females between 25- 40 years , 46(51.1%) females >40 years has been diagnosed as invasive breast cancer. 63% females <40 years showing >3 lymph node positive while only 34% females >40 years showing >3 lymph node positivity. Out of this statistics younger patients showing most of lymph nodes out of total to be positive as compared to older age group as it affects TNM staging and treatment protocol.
Conclusion: Increase in risk of lymph node involvement in younger patients (25-40). All the young women in their 20s and 30s should examine herself and every 3 years by her health care professionals.


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