Anatomical Study Of Sacral Hiatus In Dry Isolated Sacra | 1415

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Anatomical Study Of Sacral Hiatus In Dry Isolated Sacra

Author(s): Jadhav Mayuri, Ghorpade Vijay, Nikam Vasudha, Gune Anita, Patil Asha


Background: Caudal epidural block is widely used as diagnostic as well as therapeutic tool in lumbar spinal disorders by orthopedic surgeons. Failure in block in 30-35 % cases is reported to be due to anatomical variations of sacral hiatus and surrounding structures.

Aim: To assess the anatomical variation of sacral hiatus with its other bony landmarks to improve reliability of caudal epidural block.

Material and Methods: 118 dry human sacra of irrespective sex were studied for anatomical variation of sacral hiatus.

Result: In the present study, it was observed that most common shape of sacral hiatus is inverted U –shape followed by inverted V – shape, both composing almost 70 % of the total sacra. Other shapes like irregular, dumbbell and bifid contributing to rest of the 30%. Apex of sacral hiatus was commonly found at the level of fourth sacral vertebra.

Conclusion: Clear understanding of the normal anatomy of sacral hiatus and other structures may be one of the important key factors for successful caudal epidural block


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