Anti-inflammatory effect of Rhamnus prinoides mouthwash in r | 101470

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Anti-inflammatory effect of Rhamnus prinoides mouthwash in relation to Gingival Crevicular Fluid volume and IL-1? in a group of orthodontic patients (In Vivo study)

Author(s): Karrar N Al-Mujamaii* and Athraa M Al Waheb


Background: Medicinal plants are recognized for their capacity to produce a wealth of bioactive compounds and mankind has used many species for centuries to treat a variety of diseases. Rhamnus prinoides is one of the medicinal plants that have been used traditionally for the treatment of different infectious diseases. It has different ethno medicinal uses in different countries; different parts of plant are used in the management of ear, nose and throat infections, gonorrhea, malaria and brucellosis.

Materials and methods: Rhamnus prinoides mouthwash was extracted from plant leaves, filtered and then it was mixed with ethanol after being dried. The anti-inflammatory effect was evaluated by measuring the gingival crevicular fluid volume and the concentration of Interleukine-1β (IL-1β) before and after 3 weeks of using Rhamnus prinoides mouthwash and placebo in study and control group respectively.

Results: Rhamnus prinoides mouthwash revealed anti-inflammatory effect by significantly reducing the mean gingival crevicular fluid volume from 0.645 ± 0.378 μL to 0.349 ± 0.173, additionally it significantly reduced the mean IL-1β concentration from 504.127 ± 353.105 pg/L to 159.288 ± 150.726 pg/L after 3 weeks of using Rhamnus prinoides mouthwash in study group. While in control group the mean gingival crevicular fluid volume significantly increased from 0.457 ± 0.329 μL to 0.771 ± 0.450 μL and the mean concentration of IL-1β significantly increased from 690.656 ± 450.494 pg/L to 1550.264 ± 693.167 pg/L after 3 weeks of using placebo.

Conclusion: Rhamnus prinoides leaf extract demonstrated a significant anti-inflammatory activity by improving the gingival condition from moderate type of gingival inflammation to mild type, and thus it can be considered as a promising oral health care product in the future.

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