Assessment of Coagulation Factors in Various Liver Diseases | 87804

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Assessment of Coagulation Factors in Various Liver Diseases

Author(s): Roopali Jandial*, Bhavneet kour* and Subhash Bhardwaj*


Background: Patients with liver disease are at a substantially increased risk of thrombosis and hemorrhage. The present study was conducted to assess coagulation factors in various liver diseases. Materials and Methods: 150 patients of liver diseases were divided into 3 groups based on diseases. Group I was of cirrhosis, group II had other liver disease and group III had hepatitis. APTT-was performed by Tulip diagnostic kit and PT-by Agappe diagnostic kit. Results: Group I had 25 males and 25 females, group II had 30 males and 20 females and group III had 28 males and 22 females. Increased prothrombin time was seen in 40 in group I, 42 in group II and 45 in group III. APTT was enhanced in 42 in group I, 28 in group II and 30 in group III. The difference was significant (P< 0.05). Conclusion: Prolongation of PT and APTT in patients with liver cirrhosis indicates damage to the liver parenchyma.

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