Awareness on Lifestyle Modifications Among Dental Students | 61355

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Awareness on Lifestyle Modifications Among Dental Students

Author(s): Nivedha Valliammai Mahalingam, Vishnu Priya V* and Gayathri R


Exercise is a regular physical activity that can improve muscular strength, boost endurance, delivers oxygen and nutrients to the tissues, and helps the cardiovascular system work efficiently. The aim of this study is to evaluate the knowledge and practice of physical exercise and the lifestyle modifications among dental students. This questionnaire-based survey was administered to dental students through an online survey planet link. The data was collected and statistically analysed. Students practicing regular exercise with a balanced diet supports to keep them fit, energetic, flexible, weight loss, improves concentration, stress management. Despite students being aware about the benefits of regular exercise they are unable to practice it on a regular basis due to lack of sufficient time, self-motivation. The survey results indicate that most of the college students get adapted to irregular exercise habitual and unhealthy lifestyle patterns. Exercise with a balanced diet helps dental students to improve concentration, reduce stress and maintain physical fitness. Lack of sufficient time terms to be the biggest barrier among students to perform exercise regularly. Irregular exercise patterns persist among most of the dental students hence resulting in an unhealthy lifestyle. This study has created an awareness among the dental students about practicing regular exercises and its effects on lifestyle modification. More awareness camps, seminars, workshops may be conducted to motivate the students in a stronger way to follow a regular workout.

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