Barriers to Organ Donation | 1799

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Barriers to Organ Donation

Author(s): Eslamnik Parvin Alsadat, Parand Abdolmajid, Kalvandi Narges, Jokar Mozhgan


Members' transplants are the latest issues of medical science and its important achievements and a sign of the promotion and empowerment of medical centers. Although the brain death phenomenon and its potential for transplantation have created new hopes for the survival of a large number of patients, they have led to many Ethical, cultural and legal issues that have always led to the creation of some the barriers to the optimal use of this achievement have been. The systemic evaluation of these barriers is one of the goals of this research. Search using Persian and English keywords in Use of organ donation, organ transplants, organ transplant barriers, Organ barriers and transplant barrier in specific and popular databases, such as the Iran medex database, SID, Pubmed, Scopus, Elsevier. The above mentioned database was searched from January 2017 to March 2018. 186 articles on organ donation were reviewed, of which 64 papers reviewed the barriers to organ transplants. Obstacles in religious, cultural, social, educational, empirical and emotional fields were classified. The results show that many factors play a role in preventing families from donating their patients, but neglecting proper education for these people is the most important barrier to dissatisfaction in organ transplants. Therefore, it is suggested by the researcher to pay attention to more effective educational interventions for cultural development in this field.


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