Characterization of Soft Tissue Cephalometric Norms of Kurdi | 1848

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Characterization of Soft Tissue Cephalometric Norms of Kurdish Population of Iran

Author(s): Mohammad Moslem Imani, Seyed Ali Hosseini, Sepideh Arab, Mohadeseh Delavarian


Sufficient information is not available on face shape characteristics of Iranian populations. This study sought to assess soft tissue cephalometric norms of the Kurdish population. This descriptive, analytical study evaluated 100 Kurds (40 males, 60 females) who met our inclusion criteria. Hold away, and Legan and Burstone soft tissue analyses were performed on lateral cephalograms of participants and linear and angular measurements were made. According to Hold away analysis, soft tissue facial angle, nose prominence and upper lip thickness were significantly smaller in Kurds than Caucasians (P<0.05).The values of H-angle, skeletal profile convexity, basic upper lip thickness, upper lip strain, lower lip to H line, inferior sulcus to H line and soft tissue chin thickness were significantly greater in Kurds. In Legan and Burstone analysis, vertical lip-chin ratio and interlabial gap were smaller in Kurds while facial convexity angle, maxillary and mandibular prognathism, lower face-throat angle, nasolabial angle, lower lip protrusion, mentolabial sulcus depth and maxillary incisor exposure were greater in Kurds. Nose prominence, basic upper lip thickness, upper lip thickness and strain, inferior sulcus to Hline and soft tissue chin thickness in Hold away analysis and maxillary prognathism, lower vertical height-depth ratio, mentolabial sulcus depth and vertical lip-chin ratio in Legan and Burstone analysis were greater in males. In conclusion, Kurds have significantly different soft tissue cephalometric norms compared to Caucasian norms.


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