Comparison of Shrinkage Stress of 3 Posterior Composites wit | 5082

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Comparison of Shrinkage Stress of 3 Posterior Composites with a Universal Posterior Composite

Author(s): Abdollah Varmezyar, Shahryar Moeini, Azadeh Ghaemi, Arash Moeini


The purpose of this study was to compare the polymerization shrinkage stress of three posterior composites with a universal composite (Z-250, P-60, Tetric-N-ceram and Photocore) by Bioman method. A Bioman instrument was employed to determine the shrinkage stress kinetics following 40s irradiation (400 mW/cm2) at 25°C. All data were captured for 5 minutes and the final shrinkage stress calculated. There were no significant difference between Z-250, P-60 and Tetric-N-ceram while the shrinkage stress among Photocore and Tetric-N-ceram was significant at 40s. We haven’t observed significant difference between all composites at 5 minutes.


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