Complications of Severe Acute Malnutrition in Children at Nutrition Stabilization Center Hyderabad
Author(s): Muhammad Nadeem Chohan*, Farah Naz, Salma Shaikh, Fouzia Shaikh, Sehrish Muzaffar and Saleem Shaikh
Introduction: About 3 lac deaths are cause by malnutrition all over the world each year in children 1-5 years of age. About
5.9 million children of less than 5 years die each year globally and malnutrition is top of the list causing deaths due to
its complications like Pneumonia Diarrhea and measles.
Aim: To assess the complications at admission in children having Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM).
Methods: This Cross-sectional Study was conducted in the Pediatrics Department Unit-I, Liaquat University of Medical &
Health Sciences from 1st January 2019 to 31st December 2019. Total 99 children aged 6-59 months with WHO defined severe
acute malnutrition along with complications were selected and admitted. Strict monitoring done for vitals, development of
complications and response to treatment. Outcome was monitored and recorded in term of complete recovery, development
of new complication (s), and/or Expiry.
Results: Out of 99 children 91 (92%) had Marasmus, 05 (5%) had Kwashiorkor and 3 (3%) had (Marasmus and
Kwashiorkor). Total 37.4% children were between the ages of 6–11 months. The most common complications at the time
of admission were fever, diarrhoea, and anaemia. The mean stay at NSC was 7.864+4.4 days. Out of total 99 Patients,
(91.9%) recovered fully from complication while the remaining 08 patients (8.1%) were in poor condition which was
transferred to intensive care unit.
Conclusion: We found higher recovery rate from complications along with good weight gain. Few children developed new
complication and become sicker, hence shifted to intensive care unit. There was no expiry in children of SAM with