Effect of Non-Surgical Periodontal Intervention in Chronic | 87939

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Effect of Non-Surgical Periodontal Intervention in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients: A Pilot Study

Author(s): Ranu Oza*, Varsha Sharma, Komal Suryavanshi, Gargi Nimbulkar and Shravani Deolia


Background: Periodontal disease has been highlighted as an important potential risk factor for non-communicable diseases such as chronic kidney disease (CKD), diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, and pulmonary diseases. Studies have reported that patients suffering from end-stage renal failure (ESRF) and those receiving dialysis are more prone to compromised periodontal health status. Dialysis patients may form calculus more rapidly than healthy individuals possibly due to high salivary urea and phosphate levels. Studies prove that non-surgical periodontal therapy significantly improves the periodontal status and also reduces inflammatory mediators which ultimately improve the glomerular filtration rate. Method: This was designed as a pilot study and was performed between 2018 and 2019. The inclusion criteria were CKD patients of age 18 and above. Data from medical records were collected, clinical oral examination was performed by recording periodontal pocket depth (PPD) p value: 0.001, clinical attachment loss (CAL) p value:0.000 ,bleeding on probing(BOP) p value:0.012, serum creatinine p value:0.035 , e-GFR p value:0.009. Non-surgical periodontal therapy was given to CKD patients at baseline and clinical periodontal data were statistically analysed. Result: Non-surgical periodontal therapy given to study group has resulted into significant improvement in all the measured periodontal clinical parameters. Conclusion: this study demonstrates that CKD patients show effective response to Non-surgical periodontal therapy.

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