Epidemiology and Complications of Total Thyroidectomy in Pat | 1426

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Epidemiology and Complications of Total Thyroidectomy in Patient Referred to Amir Almomenin Hospital in Rasht

Author(s): Ali Faghih Habibi, Mir Mohammad Jalali, Rahmatollah Banan, Behrang Motamed, Shabnam VedadiMoghaddam


Total Thyroidectomy is common therapy in patients with thyroid malignancies, thyrotoxicosis, multinodular goiter and chronic thyroiditis. The most common complications of this procedure are hematoma, recurrent laryngeal nerve injury and hypocalcemia. modern thyroidectomy is focused on the mortality of surgery by preventing damage to adjacent structures, such as parathyroid glands and recurrent laryngeal nerve. Considering the prevalence of this procedure and the lack of similar studies in this area, we decided to evaluate epidemiology and complications of this procedure so we take a step to reduce complications. All patients referring to Amir al-momenin Hospital in Rasht during 2012-2016 for total thyroidectomy were participated. Demographic and clinical datas from their hospital records were collected in a questionnaire and the long-term complications of the disease and permanent injuries after 6 months were re-examined. Data analysis was done and p less than 0.05 was considered significant. Of the 103 patients, 79.6% were female. The average age was 44.61 years. The most common clinical manifestation was masses or nodules in the anterior of neck (84.5%). 58.3% of patients had the final pathology for Papillary thyroid carcinoma, 25.2% multidolateral goiter, 14.6% adenoma and 8.7% thyroiditis. transient hypocalcemia was seen in 26.2% of patients and 2.9% had permanent hypocalcaemia, 2 patients had recurrent nerve injury, which one of them was recovered in the Follow up. Other complications did not accurred. Papillary thyroid carcinoma is one of the most common indications of total thyroidectomy in this area. Low prevalence of complications in this center can be due to the surgeon's expertness and peri and postoperative care.


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