Evaluation of hepatic, renal and hematologic parameters duri | 1439

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Evaluation of hepatic, renal and hematologic parameters during single,double and multiple treatment with Methotrexate in patients with ectopic pregnancy hospitalized in AL Zahra hospital

Author(s): Maryam Asgharnia, Apameh Azarpira, Soudabeh Kazemi, Zahra Atar-Kar- Roushan, Davood Pourmarzi


Treatment of ectopic pregnancy with Methotrexate (MTX) is very common. Nowadays available principles include repeated hematologic, hepatic and renal tests a week after administration of MTX but the importance of these tests in healthy woman with no previous history is not clear. The aim of this study was the evaluation of alternation patterns of CBC, LFT and RFT in 1, 7 and 14 days after treatment with single, double and multiple dose of MTX in healthy women with ectopic pregnancy. So that the necessity of performing these tests during MTX treatment in healthy women was determined. Material and Methods: study performed on 275 patients with ectopic pregnancy which hospitalized in AL-Zahra hospital and treated with MTX. Patients divided in three groups according to prescription of single, double and multiple doses of MTX and hepatic and renal functional tests and hematologic cell count evaluated for all patients in 1,7 and 14 days after MTX administration. Demographic data include: age, BMI, gravidity, parity and type of ectopic pregnancy were recorded for all patients. Overall data from three groups were compared. Homogeneity of age and BMI between three groups confirmed. Analysis of hepatic and renal function test and hematologic parameters showed that in single and double treatment route mean of AST, ALT, total and direct bilirubin, white hematologic cell and platelet count were significantly different in 1 and 7 days. However, there was no significant difference observed in multiple dose route. According to results, hepatic, renal and hematologic parameters in different treatment routs were significantly different. However, means in normal range and toxicity was not observed. It seems that measurement of hepatic, renal and hematologic parameters in 0 and 7 days after administration of MTX in healthy woman with no medical history of hepatic, renal or hematologic disorders is not necessary.


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