Evaluation of the Anti-Bacterial Effect of Selenium Nanopart | 88592

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Evaluation of the Anti-Bacterial Effect of Selenium Nanoparticles in Peri-Implantitis Patients

Author(s): Osama AR Alheeti* and Abdalbseet A Fatalla


Aim: To determine the concentration of selenium nanoparticles that inhibit the growth of anaerobic bacteria with signs and symptoms of implant failure increasing around implants.

Material and methods: It included 10 partly edentulous subjects (five females, five males) aged 30-73 years with one or more periimplantitis implants. Peri-implantitis was defined as: I the existence of seeping and additional decay on testing and (i) Radiographic images showed negligible bone misfortune >1.8 mm after 1 year of ability." The integration models were: incompletely edentulous patients with one implant determined to have peri-implantitis in any case; (ii) No anti-microbial therapy for half a year prior to clinical evaluation.' A total of fifteen implants were diagnosed with peri-implantitis following this description. Subgingival bacterial specimens were collected from infected implants of each person using sterile paper points.

Results: Revealed that selenium nanoparticles' minimum inhibition concentration for Total anaerobic bacteria was (5 percent), this concentration showed growth on plain BHI-A media after re-culturing

Conclusion: The antibacterial activity increased from 5 percent and above with the rise in the concentration of selenium nanoparticles, and selenium nanoparticles had no impact at 0.5 percent, 1 percent, 2 percent concentration.

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