Genistein: A new Isoflavone from Iraqi Chrozophora tinctoria | 91888

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Genistein: A new Isoflavone from Iraqi Chrozophora tinctoria (Euphorbiaceae): Its Extraction, Isolation and Structure Elucidation

Author(s): Abdul-aziz A Doghan*, Thukaa Z Abdul-Jalil


In the current study, genistein proof of existence as a novel metabolite in the Iraqi Chrozophora tinctoria (Euphorbiaceae) was the mainstay issue. Extraction of genistein was performed from the dried aerial parts of the Iraqi Chrozophora tinctoria by using soxhelt apparatus with 85% Methanol followed by fractionation with petroleum ether and ethyl acetate fraction. Preparative Reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography HPLC analysis of the ethyl acetate fraction for the aerial parts of the plant yielded eight phytoconstituents one of them (peak NO.2) gave identical match with genistein standard, depending on which the isolation and quantitative determination were done. A fruitful product of amorphous powder was yielded with a concentration 5.7 μg/g, the structure of this compound was elucidated unambiguously by melting point, analytical RP-HPLC, Ultra Violet UV spectroscopic, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy FTIR spectroscopic and High-performance compact mass spectrometer (CMS) techniques revealing identical similarity to genistein.

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