Hypertensive Disorders in Pregnancy Increase the Risk of Future Cardiovascular Disease
Author(s): Riffat Sultana, Shazia Tabassum*, Fazal ur Rehman, Dayaram Makwana, Ali Faraz Shaikh and Iram Jehan Balouch
Objective: Our study was designed with aim to observe all pregnancy-related hypertensive disorders and investigate the association of HPD and cardiovascular disorders. Methodology: This case-control study was conducted in Karachi Institute of Heart Diseases Karachi Pakistan from the June 2020 to the June 2021. Hypertension was defined after the 3 days of consistent observations of systolic pressure ≥ 140 mmHg or a diastolic blood pressure ≥ 90 mmHg during a cardiologist visit. All forms of hypertension were included in our research. We used SPSS 23.0 for comparing gestational hypertension and pre-eclampsia among case and control groups. Four crude and logistic regression models were used to represent the association of pregnancy-related hypertensive disorders and cardiovascular disease. Results: For this research total of 512 participants were recruited from which 339 (66.2%) were controlled and 173 (33.7%) were categorized into case groups. Control was younger compared to cases with fewer pregnancies (3 pregnancies) as compared to control (5 pregnancies). Gestational hypertension was highly observed in the case group (11.6%) whereas the control group reported high prevalence of preeclampsia (12.8%) than the case group (8.7%). The adjusted odds ratios represent no association of pregnancy-related hypertensive disorders with cardiovascular diseases. However, an inverse relationship was observed by adjusted odds ratios. On the other hand, the polytomous model manifested a positive association of gestational hypertension with CVD when compared with covariates. Conclusion: We concluded that gestational hypertension is associated with the future risk of cardiovascular diseases. However, the logistic regression model failed to find any relationship of hypertensive pregnancy disorder with cardiovascular disorders.