Improvement of Adherence to Treatment in People with Diabete | 1484

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Improvement of Adherence to Treatment in People with Diabetes: An Iranian Perspective

Author(s): Seyedeh Narjes Mousavizadeh, Tahereh Ashktorab, Mitra Zandi


Essential part of diabetes control is adherence to treatment regimen. Improvement of adherence to treatment is a growing priority for health care systems, which has been less considered in Iran. This study evaluates perspectives of Iranian people with diabetes towards improving and facilitating factors of adherence to treatment. This was a qualitative study in which 21 men and women with diabetes were recruited by using purposive sampling. Data was collected by in-depth semi-structured interviews. Data was analyzed by content analysis. The concepts which were reported in experience of the patients as factors facilitating performance and motivating adherence to treatment included individual readiness involving effective awareness, financial strength and psychological capitals, warning supportive resources involving supportive friends, peer observation warning, supportive family and treatment team support. Focus on patient support from health centers and community, family involvement as a major source of support, self-care training and encouragement can be considered as solutions for stimulating behavior change and motivating patients to adhere to treatment and prevent irreversible complications of diabetes in health-care plans.


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