Infected sialolithiasis- a case report | 102960

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Infected sialolithiasis- a case report

Author(s): Keren Biju Mathew and Ganesh.C*


Our study aim is to characterize and assess the case of infected sub mandibular sialolithiasis in a patient who developed mild swelling and pain in the right submandibular region. An 40year old male patient with the complaint of mild swelling and pain in the right mandibular region for past 1month. Patient noticed mild swelling which appeared behind his chin for past 3 weeks specifically after meal time which eventually subsides within 3-4 hrs. Patient had no significance family and medical history. A single well defined swelling present in the right side floor of mouth. The right side submandibular duct opening was erythematous with no evident pus discharge. On bimanual palpation it was mildly tender and mobile with significant pus discharge. Occlusal radiograph revealed radio-opaque mass which is oval to round in shape with each measuring 1*1 cm in size on the right submandibular region which confirmed the diagnosis of sub mandibular sialolithiasis which is secondarily infected. Patient was prescribed antibiotics and referred for surgical removal of the sialolith.

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