Knowledge and Awareness Regarding Effects of Diabetes Mellit | 59302

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Knowledge and Awareness Regarding Effects of Diabetes Mellitus on Oral Health Among Dental Patients: An institutional Study

Author(s): Kadambari Sriram and Santhosh Kumar MP*


Diabetes mellitus (DM) silent epidemic which affects many people around the world and is causally related to the oral health status of the patients. Diabetes mellitus is caused due to metabolic disturbances which not only manifestants as systemic condition but also shows various oral manifestations. The aim of our study was to evaluate the knowledge and awareness regarding effects of diabetes mellitus on oral health among diabetic patients visiting dental college. Our study also aimed to assess the oral hygiene maintenance practices among the diabetic patients. A descriptive cross-sectional survey was conducted among patients visiting Saveetha Dental College, Chennai between December 2019 to January 2020 with a history of diabetes mellitus. A questionnaire was distributed which consists of questions related to oral manifestations of diabetes mellitus and practice followed on oral health care maintenance among 100 diabetic patients. Data was obtained from the filled questionnaire and analyzed using SPSS software 23.0. The awareness levels of diabetic patients towards oral and systemic complications of diabetes mellitus were relatively less. Only 37% were aware of the oral and systemic complications caused due to diabetes. There was a statistically significant association between education status and awareness level of patients on oral and systemic manifestation caused due to diabetes (p=0.001). Within the limitations of the study, it has been found that the study participants have inadequate knowledge and awareness on oral manifestations of diabetes mellitus. Oral hygiene maintenance practices were poor among diabetic patients and showed poor attitude towards oral care. Health professionals should promote awareness on oral manifestations and complications that arise due to diabetes mellitus among the public to reduce the risk of oral disease.

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