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Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Author(s): Meer Zakirulla*, Faisal Fares Y Alahmari, Sewylm Ali M Alqahtani, Jayashankar DN, Tahani Abdullah Y Alqahtani, Abdullah Mushabbab A Hunbus, Mohammed Dhafer A Alqahtani, Moferh Hassan M Asiri, Abdullah Dhafer AlShahrani, Mohammed Dhafer M Al-shamrani, Ibrahim Hassan I Alqaysi, Ayed Abdulrahman A Al-shehri and Sami Yahya M Alamri


Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate the Prevalence, severity and clinical characteristics of MIH in 8-13 year old Saudi Children. Materials and Methods: A total number of 596 children (Male=346; Female=250) was participated in the study with age ranges from 8- to 13-year-old was screened for MIH in Department of Pediatric Dentistry, College of Dentistry. Children who fulfilled the required inclusion criteria were examined by experienced clinicians. Dental examinations were carried out by using a standard mouth mirror and dental probe. For the MIH, the teeth were examined on wet and will record on a specially designed patient research datasheet. All the participating children were instructed to brush their teeth before the examination. After thorough brushing, the four permanent first molars and eight permanent incisors was examined on wet for demarcated opacities and atypical restorations under a portable light source. The results were recorded and analyzed for statistical significance using the Chi-square test and t-test with a P value of <0.05 considered significant. Results: Prevalence of MIH according to age was, 17% at 8-9 years, 14% at 10-11 years, 30% at 11-12 years and 39% at 12-13 years of age. The majority of children diagnosed with MIH were 10 years old (39 %), while those aged 8 years had the lowest MIH prevalence (14 %). Pearson Chi-Square showed statistically significance between the age and the prevalence of MIH. 633 teeth were affected by MIH, of which 225 (36%) were central incisors, 94(15%) were lateral incisors and 314(49%) were FPM Conclusions: MIH is a clinically and epidemiologically important issue in Saudi school kids. The higher rate of serious forms is of medical concern. The results of today's study stress the necessity for educating present and long term dentists and pediatric professionals in MIH, as well for developing public wellness policies for the avoidance and sufficient treatment of MIH.

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