Narrative Review Article: Prophylactic and Therapeutic Role | 98274

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Narrative Review Article: Prophylactic and Therapeutic Role of Different Routes of Vitamin C and Zinc against SARS CoV2 Virus

Author(s): Sushma Selvanathan and Pramita A Muntode


The repercussion of SARS CoV2 virus pandemic has been detrimental on economic, social and medical grounds. To combat the disease, policies like maintaining social distance, self-quarantine- voluntarily or by compulsion at home have reduced the rate of spread of disease. The various drugs used in management of these patients are still under study regarding their effectiveness and side effects. Also, the vaccines that are licensed for use in various countries their safety and efficacy in long run is still unknown. With the understanding that the immune mediators and oxidative stressors play a pivot role in pathogenesis of SARS CoV2 virus, a breach in immunity can therefore predispose to severe infections. Majority of population in India suffers from various forms of micronutrient deficiencies. Combating the disease requires strengthening the basic nutritional status of the country. A balanced diet and nutrition are crucial for an optimum immunological response. In this narrative review, mainly focuses on the micronutrient vitamin C and zinc and their role in immune system. With vitamin C and zinc supplements used as an age old remedy for viral respiratory illness like common cold and pneumonia, studies have now focused on their use against SARS CoV 2 virus. This review also focuses on the impact of their deficiencies in COVID-19 patients and their prophylactic and therapeutic use in their various routes of administration against SARS CoV-2 virus are taken into account, which give a holistic approach towards this review.

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