Numerical Variation in the Branches of the Lateral Circumfle | 1535

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Numerical Variation in the Branches of the Lateral Circumflex Femoral Artery: Cadaveric Research

Author(s): Chauhan Pradip, Rathwa Ashish, Adhvaryu Monika, Chauhan Alpa, Rathod Suresh


Background: The lateral circumflex femoral artery (LCF) is the major blood supply the thigh. It divides in ascending, transverse and descending branches. Knowledge of the branches of LCF is important in the anterolateral surgical flap from the thigh for skin grafting.

Aim: This study was conducted to study the numerical variation in the branching pattern of the lateral circumflex femoral artery.

Materials and Methods: 50 extremities from 25 cadavers (18 Male and 7 Females) were dissected. Lateral circumflex femoral artery and its branches were identified, dissected and studied for numerical variation in the branches.

Results: 10 types of numerical branching pattern were found in the present study. Descending pattern had the maximum type of variety. Transverse branches show minimum variations. Most common type (46%) of numerical variety in branches was one ascending, one transvers and one descending branch.

Conclusion: Numerical branching pattern of the Lateral circumflex femoral artery show extensive variations. These variations in the branching pattern must be considered during skin grafting and other clinical interventions.


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