Reconstruction of meshed linea alba and paramedican continuo | 1546

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Reconstruction of meshed linea alba & paramedican continuous suturing of mesh - a new approach in incisional hernia repair

Author(s): Prashant Narhar Mukadam, Ishan H. Shah


Background: Irrespective of modern suturing technique of closure of abdominal wall, POIH(post-Op incisional hernia) is frequent complication of abdominal surgery, Repair of POIH with mesh has improved result & it has also reduced recurrence.

Aims: To observe and scrutinize the technique in the form of simplicity, post-Op complication and anatomical reconstruction.

Material &Methods: Patients having lower midline incisional hernia were operated upon by present technique of incisional hernia repair by reconstruction of meshed lineaalba were selected for the study. Patients were observed in Pre Op and Post-Op period & when they attend out-patient clinics. Data was collected in prescribed format& statistically analyzed to draw the conclusion.

Result: In our study of 20 patients, 95% of females (n= 19) outnumbered 5% males (n=1). The highest incidence was in the 5th& 6th decade of life. No patients were found having major wound infection, seroma formation, or recurrence of hernia. 20 patients (100%) attended our follow up which ranged from 3 months to 6 months. 15 patients (75%) attended the OPD personally for follow up. Remaining 5 patients (25%) were questioned over the telephone and their response recorded. The average hospital stay recorded was 5-6 days. No recurrence was encountered in the follow up group.

Conclusion: This technique of Reconstruction of meshed lineaalba was found to be technically simple, leading to least post op complications and attaining its goal of curing the lower abdominal incisional hernia.


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