Repercussions of Selfie Taking on Attitudes of Undergraduate Medical Students a Cross Sectional Study
Author(s): Kiran Khan*, Ghazala Nasim Pasha, Ata ur Rehman, Sadia Sundus, Fizza Tariq and Sonia Joseph
Background: The first use of word selfie was recorded in 2002 however, selfie became popular from 2013. First selfie tag on Instagram “#selfie” was emerged in 2011 since then selfie word has become popular on Instagram and tagged 57 million times. Everyone uses social media to keep in touch with friends and colleagues. Several mental and health issues such as lower back ache, wrong posture of body, frozen shoulder & many other health complications are associated with selfie. In order to find weather narcissists people, follow other narcissists people on Instagram and people treat them narcissistic or not, a study has been conducted online. Results of experiments shows that selfies and group-selfies are considered narcissistic than other photos. Methodology: It was a cross sectional study conducted from June 2021 to July 2021 in different medical universities of Karachi. The calculated sample was 250 however, 500 students of age 16-28 were recruited by simple random sampling technique. A Likert scale-based questionnaire was developed to identify the attitude, behavioural intention and narcistic behavior that was validated by initial pilot study on a small group of students. Results: When students were asked about number of selfies taken by them. Among 500 students 43.2% (216) take selfie 1-2 times in a day, 18% (92) often take 1 to 5 selfies daily,90(18%) of them take selfie more than 5 times a day and 102(20.4%) never took selfie. Out of 500, 43.8% found easy to manipulate people, 63.2% responded as they try to avoid show off and 48% told that they think they have authority on other people. Conclusion: the selfie taking trend is more common in age group of 16-20 years that may fall with increase in age. The attitude was seemed to be more introvert and responses of individuals showed Narcissistic behavior.