Reporting a Case: Cardio-respiratory Arrest after Spinal Ane | 5629

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Reporting a Case: Cardio-respiratory Arrest after Spinal Anesthesia

Author(s): Majid Vatankhah, Seyed Hamed Hojati, Navid Kalani, Mohammad Hasan Damshens*


Introduction: Hypotension, bradycardia and even cardiac arrest are considered as risk factors for spinal anesthesia. Cardiac arrest due to neuraxial anesthesia requires rapid intervention to prevent neurological damages and death.

Introducing the patient: A 91year-old patient referred to the operating room of Jahrom Peymanieh Hospital, because of previous operation of femoral neck fracture and bed ridden with bed sore in the sacrum area. The patient did not show any significant problems during the spinal anesthesia during the operation, but at the end of the operation and after changing his lateral position to supine position suffered a cardio-respiratory arrest, which immediately we began the CPR and after recovery of the patient, he transferred to the ICU.

Conclusion: When patients position changed from lateral to supine, a possibility of cardiopulmonary arrest, especially in the elderly.


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