Retrospective Analysis of Most Preferred Luting Cement for a | 92341

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Retrospective Analysis of Most Preferred Luting Cement for all Ceramic Restorations

Author(s): Abigail Ranasinghe and Subash Sharma*


Introduction: The high demand for esthetically pleasing restorations has resulted in the development and introduction of various dental ceramics. The dentist must choose not only the appropriate ceramic, on the basis of functional and esthetic demands, but also the cement and the cementation procedure for each system and clinical situation.
Materials and Methods: This study is a retrospective observational study conducted in a university hospital in Chennai. This study was carried out between the month of November 2020-March 2021. Data of patients who were given all ceramic restorations were included in the study sample. This was followed by Excel tabulation. Data was analysed using SPSS Software. The association of study variables was calculated using Chi Square test. Results: Majority of the patients who were given all ceramic restorations were in the age group between 20-30 years. All ceramic inlays were widely used when compared to all ceramic onlays and all ceramic veneers (48.9%). Resin cement (62.6%)was most preferred when compared to GIC (37.4%).
Conclusion: The high demand for esthetically pleasing restorations has resulted in the development and introduction of various dental ceramics. The dentist must choose not only the appropriate ceramic, on the basis of functional and esthetic demands, but also the cement and the cementation procedure for each system and clinical situation. The clinician should give special consideration to the use of adhesives, resin cements and field isolation and adhere strictly to manufacturer's instructions.

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