Role of Vitamin D for the Prevention of Pre-Eclampsia in Pre | 90055

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Role of Vitamin D for the Prevention of Pre-Eclampsia in Pregnant Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Author(s): Hina Akmal Memon*, Madiha Rafique, Sarwat Khalid, Rizwana Perveen, Rahila Imtiaz and Nazish Naqvi


Aim: The goal of this study was to determine the role of vitamin D supplements in preventing pre-eclampsia during pregnancy. Study design: Randomized controlled trial Place and duration: This study was conducted at District health quarters hospital Jamshoro @kotri /Bilawal Medical College hospital Kotri, Pakistan from March 2020 to March 2021. Methodology: Pregnant women between the ages of 18 and 35 years with a single pregnancy, normal blood pressure, and a gestational period of 24 ± 1 week were enrolled and were allocated into 2 groups that is group A and B. Vitamin D was not given to Group A. Group B, the study group members received vitamin D 25,000 IU orally (Cap OPT-D) every two weeks for up to 36 weeks, regardless of vitamin D status. Women were visited every two weeks for prenatal checkups during the follow-up phase (28th to 36th week) to investigate any signs or symptoms of pre-eclampsia. Results: In both groups, no significant difference has been observed in mean age (P=0.57), gestational age (P=0.48), and Body Mass Index (P=0.81). At 28 ± 1 week, all female's blood pressure was normal. At 36 weeks, 24.44% (n=11) of women in group A (control group) had blood pressure greater than 140/90mm, compared to only 6.66 % (n=3) of women in group B (study group). There was a significant difference (X2=5.41, P=0.019). Conclusion: This study concluded that pregnant females who take vitamin D supplements have low chances of pre-eclampsia.

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