Sensitivity Dictates Treatment Plan among Periodontists: Fac | 80516

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Sensitivity Dictates Treatment Plan among Periodontists: Fact or Fiction Based on Patient Related Clinical Survey Following Periodontal Procedures

Author(s): Siddharth Narayan* and ND Jayakumar


Background: Dentinal hypersensitivity is a unique complaint among the population which acts as a deterrent towards further treatment as well motivation towards the same. However most commonly it acts as a sign of some change in homeostasis of teeth and surrounding periodontium which requires attention. The fear of clinician induced postoperative sensitivity is also sometimes seen as a reason to alter the choice of treatment from an ideal to an alternative treatment plan. The present study aims to compare the postoperative dentinal hypersensitivity after scaling, root planning, kirkland flap and modified widman flap immediately after treatment and 10 days postoperatively. Methodology: The following study was conducted as a prospective single centre clinical trial in a Dental college and hospital-based setup. A total of Eighty patients were included from the department of Periodontology who were then divided into four groups of Twenty each based on treatment done including scaling (Group A), root planning (Group B), Kirkland flap surgery (Group C) and Modified Widman flap surgery (Group D). The 4 groups were matched based on age and gender and Oral hygiene status using OHI-S. A single operator sensitivity using a 10-point Visual analogue scale, Oral hygiene index simplified at baseline, immediately after treatment and 10 days after treatment. Sensitivity was assessed by using a triple way syringe using air flow along with water spray for 5 seconds after the drying the tooth using a dry cotton. Result: Net increase in sensitivity from baseline till 10 days postoperatively was seen in the root planning group>modified Widman group>scaling group>kirkland flap group, with increase in VAS score of 0.85, 0.45, 0.30 and 0.15 (p<0.05). Conclusion: Within the limits of this study, it was found that net increase in sensitivity was found to be maximal after root planning group, modified Widman flap surgery, scaling followed by kirkland flap surgery which was found to be clinically and statistically significant.

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