Stumbling Blocks for Hybrid Denture | 87933

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Stumbling Blocks for Hybrid Denture

Author(s): Minal Tulsani*, Deepak Nallaswamy, Vaishnavi Rajaraman, Divya Rupawat and Sanjana Devi


Edentulism is associated with a reduction in quality of life. Over the years with the advancement in implant ology and its prosthesis, implant-supported fixed or removable prosthesis revolutionized the opportunity for rehabilitation of the edentulous patient. Many factors led to the emergence of a complete arch prosthesis supported by 4-6 implants known as hybrid dentures. Despite the long term success rates for 10-15 years, hybrid dentures require maintenance and repair to keep the prosthesis functional and stable in the mouth as there are various complications seen like denture tooth wear, fracture of the denture teeth or the veneering acrylic, lost fillings in screw-access openings and mobile prostheses mainly due to screw loosening, fractured screw, etc. In recent times due to the evolution of the dental field in implantology it is necessary to know the complications encountered during fabrication of implant supported prosthesis. Hence, this research paper aims to review the existing literature on the complications in hybrid dentures.

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