Sub-Clinical Hypothyroidism-A Cross-Sectional Study among Me | 92126

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Sub-Clinical Hypothyroidism-A Cross-Sectional Study among Medical Students in Vijayapura District Karnataka

Author(s): Raveendra D Totad* and Patil SM


Introduction: Sub Clinical Hypothyroidism (SCH) is diagnosed when peripheral thyroid hormone levels are within normal reference laboratory sense. But the serum TSH levels are mildly elevated. This condition occurs in very less people of the general population. SCH is probably a cardiovascular risk factor among young adults, so it is very important to diagnose it early.

Objectives: To find proportion of Sub-clinical Hypothyroidism among Medical students. Material and Methods: Apparently healthy first year MBBS students were enrolled after taking informed verbal consent from them and were subjected to thyroid assay. General history taking, clinical examination, anthropometric and physiological parameters were recorded. Observations-Present study found there is increase in TSH levels in Seven students (M:F 4:3) and FT3, FT4 were within normal range. Also found positive correlation between TSH and age group between FT3 and BMI and FT3 systolic BP.

Conclusion: Thyroid profile (T3,T4,TSH) along with physiological (cardiac) and anthropological parameters have shown significance attributing to the cardiovascular morbidity in future.

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