The Effectiveness of Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBS | 5659

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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The Effectiveness of Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR) in Reducing of Depression, Anxiety and Quality of Life in Women with Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Author(s): Samira Masumian, Shahrbanoo Ghahari, Zeinab Bahram Beigi, Ali Asghar Asgharnejadfarid* and Hooman Yaghmaeezadeh


Objective: This study was conducted to examine effectiveness of mindfulness-based stress reduction on reducing depression and anxiety levels as well as improved quality of life in women with generalized anxiety disorder in Tehran.

Method: In this research, 30 members with generalized anxiety disorder were selected from individuals who had inclusion criteria then assigned to two experimental and control groups in Tehran by 2017. To collect data, respondents filled in the questionnaire of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD-7), quality of life questionnaire (PWI-A) (Personal Wellbeing Index) and Beck’s depression inventory (BDI) within two pretest and posttest steps. Research data were analyzed using Kolmogorov- Smirnov test, independent and dependent t tests.

Findings: Results indicated that mindfulness-based stress reduction could decrease anxiety and depression symptoms in patients and improved quality of life of patients with generalized anxiety disorder.

Conclusion: Mindfulness-based stress reduction could affect anxiety and depression levels as well as improvement of quality of life among women with generalized anxiety disorder.


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