The Effects of Self-Esteem, Friendship, Aggressiveness on Sh | 53326

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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The Effects of Self-Esteem, Friendship, Aggressiveness on Short and Long Visual Memories Assessed by ROCF Test

Author(s): Ochilbek Rakhmanov and Senol Dane*


Introduction: The Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test (ROCF), a visual memory test, is accepted as an important and useful tool to get and follow the achievement and some behavioral or neuropsychological factors. Methods: A total of 123 Nigerian university students were involved in the study. Participants were 53 men and 70 women who were 16-18 years of age. The Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure (ROCF) test developed by Rey and standardized by Osterrieth used to screen for visual memory. To get their self-esteem scores were used the Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale. Friendship graphing and the concept of the degree of the nodes were used. To take the aggression score was used the aggression questionnaire developed by Orpinas and Frankowski in 2013.

Results: In the present study, there were significant positive correlations between self-esteem score and short-term (Immediate recall) and long-term (Delayed recall) visual memories in the ROCF test, especially in female subjects. And, there was a negative correlation between self-esteem score and aggressiveness in the present study. Also, there were significant positive correlations between friendship and short-term (Immediate recall) and long-term (Delayed recall) visual memories in the ROCF test, especially in female subjects.

Conclusions: University students need low aggressiveness and depression and high self-esteem and friendship for high visual memory and even academic success. For this reason, the family and school support are necessary to increase friendship, to decrease aggressiveness, to decrease depression and to increase visual memory and school and life successes.

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