The Impact of HIV/AIDS on Rural Farmers Productivity in Abuj | 54686

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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The Impact of HIV/AIDS on Rural Farmers Productivity in Abuja

Author(s): Gylych Jelilov*, Emaniya Sike, Bilal Celik and Murat Akyuz


The effect of the HIV scourge in Nigeria cannot be overemphasized, statistics shows that since the beginning of the epidemic about 2.8% of the population are affected. This seminar set out to investigate the impact of HIV/AIDs on the Agricultural sector using the rural farmers in Abuja as a case study. The paper confirmed that the impact of HIV/AIDs on the farmers and national economy is negative, substantial and, indeed, increasing. Data used in this work was sourced through group discussions, interviews, review of journals and field work. Upon analysis of data, findings showed that HIV/AIDS contributed to low productivity which ultimately culminated into food shortage. The study also showed that there are also psychological effects borne by the members of the family of the sick farmer resulting to an overall economic loss. The researcher however recommends that more emphasis should be laid on creating awareness on the disease and that poverty alleviation programmes should be targeted to address pertinent poverty situations and households. Key words: HIV, AIDS, He

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