The Knowledge and Practice of Kurdish Women Referred to Mamm | 1890

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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The Knowledge and Practice of Kurdish Women Referred to Mammography Clinics on Breast Cancer Screening: A Cross –Sectional Study

Author(s): Karim Sharifi, Morteza Jalilvand, Farideh Elahimanesh, Fardin Gharibi


Breast is a common site for developing potentially fatal malignancies in women. Breast cancer is one of the few malignancies that, if diagnosed at early stages its prognosis is good. Training plays an important role in the primary prevention of cancer. Training should be directed towards high-risk groups and its aim is to make people interested in the early diagnosis and treatment of their disease. This study aimed to evaluate the knowledge and practice of Kurdish women on breast cancer screening in Sanandaj, Iran in 2015. This crosssectional study was conducted on 335 women who referred to mammography clinics of Tohid hospital in Sanandaj, Iran in 2015. Data were gathered using questionnaire. Demographic data, knowledge and practice of participants were evaluated. Data were analyzed using SPSS. Ver.18. Descriptive statistics and also analytical statistics including chi-square test and Pearson correlation were used. The results showed that there was a significant correlation between age, level of education, place of living, marital status and family history of breast cancer with women`s knowledge and practice on breast cancer screening (p≤.05). Pearson correlation showed that there was a positive correlation between knowledge and practice of studied women. Although the level of Kurdish women`s knowledge on breast cancer was moderate, but their practice was poor. Therefore, development of breast cancer screening centers in Sanandaj, Iran to improve women`s knowledge and practice on breast cancer screening is suggested.


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