To Study the Association of Skin Tags with Metabolic Syndrom | 82393

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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To Study the Association of Skin Tags with Metabolic Syndrome

Author(s): Najad N**


A total of 100 patients were included in the analysis. The mean HDL level was 44.21 ± 10.12 mg/dl and fasting plasma glucose was 111.0 ± 25 .17 mg /dl in study population. The mean systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure were 44.21 ± 15.78 mmHg and 87.06 ± 9.12 mmHg respectively. The Triglyceride level was 146.54 ± 40.14 mg /dl in males and 108.90 ± 38.49 mg /dl in females in the study population. The Fasting plasma glucose was 115.90 ± 24 .39 mg/dl in males and 106.66 ± 17.22 mg/dl in females. The mean systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure were 139.63 ± 14.88 mmHg and 86.72 ± 8.73 mmHg in males and 138.00 ± 14.14 mmHg and 85.73 ± 11.00 mmHg in females. The HDL levels were lowest in 51-to-60-year age group, followed by 41-to-50-year age group and then by 31- 40-year age group. The proportion of fasting plasma glucose level was highest in 51-to-60-year age group. Females had higher incidence of acanthosis mgncans when compared to males in the study population.

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