Using a Comprehensive Hospital Information System to Promote | 1541

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Using a Comprehensive Hospital Information System to Promote Qualified Healthcare Information as Perceived by the Hospital Staff of Affiliated with Hormozgan University of Medical Sciences

Author(s): Sara Hadipour, Roqaye Molaei, Nasrin Davaridolatabadi


Comprehensive system of hospital information is well-organized software designed to effectively integrate and transfer hospital information. It helps to promote the quality of data, reduce the transfer time, raise users’ satisfaction, increase the quality of services and lower the costs in hospitals. In assessing the quality of information systems, quality is a function of system usability, completeness, timeliness, data regularity and definition. The present research aimed to investigate the effect of a comprehensive system of hospital information on promoting the quality of healthcare information in the hospitals affiliated with Hormozgan University of medical sciences. The present descriptive, cross-sectional research looked into the attitude of 45 staff working in the medical file center and the IT center using a questionnaire developed by the researchers the reliability and validity of which were already checked via a census in 2016. The data were analyzed through descriptive and inferential statistics in SPSS v.17.0. An investigation of subjects’ age showed that the most frequent age group was 25-30 years which comprised 48.9% of the sample. Next stood the age group 30-35 years which had 35.6% of the subjects. The results of analyzing the role of HIS in promoting the quality of healthcare information revealed that applying HIS promoted the update and security of data to respectively 42.2% and 31.1%. Moreover, 18 subjects of the research population assessed the effect of HIS on data transfer among hospital wards to be the highest (40%). Half of the population had a positive attitude towards the effect of HIS on information system processes and on promoting the quality of healthcare information in hospitals. Less than 2% of the subjects had a negative attitude towards the same system. Moreover, half of the population acknowledged that HIS played a key role in promoting the quality of healthcare information and recommended the use of the comprehensive system in hospitals.


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