Vaccine Acceptance and Adherence to Precautionary Measures a | 91285

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Vaccine Acceptance and Adherence to Precautionary Measures among Majmaah Population, Major Challenges for Control of New Strains

Author(s): Zeinab A Abd-Elhaleem, Rahaf Alhajlah*, Worud Aloyari, Manal Almutairi, Alanoud Altheiaib, Shouq Alaoufi and Sarah Almutairi


Background: Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) continues to have serious effects causing high mortality and morbidity worldwide with developments of several new strains. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to evaluate the acceptance of the COVID-19 vaccine and adherence to precautionary measures among the Majmaah community. Methodology: A Cross-Sectional study was conducted among Majmaah population using a self-administered online questionnaire, collected during 7th of February to 5th of March 2021.The questionnaire collected socio-demographic characteristics, knowledge, attitude, use of precautionary measures and acceptance of COVID-19 vaccination. Individuals residing in the city of Majmaah aging 18 years old or more of both sexes were involved in the study. Data analysis was performed by SPSS, version 24. Results: Of the 457 participants surveyed, majority of the participants were female (69.6%) as compared to the males (30.4%,). About half of the participants (48.8%) had good knowledge. In addition, 55.1% showed low positive attitude toward COVID-19. There was significant association of COVID-19 attitude with participants' socio-demographics according to gender (p<0.05). The use of precautionary measures identified in the study were high (46.4%) and 67.8% of participants were willing to get the COVID-19 vaccine. Conclusion: The study concluded that majority of the participants in the study were female who had a low positive attitude towards COVID-19. The application of precautionary measures varied with age and the level of education.? Two third of participants showed acceptance of COVID-19 vaccination. Those who had good knowledge, moderate positive attitude, and high positive application of precautionary measures towards COVID-19 were willing to get the vaccine. More education programs to the community of Majmaah city about COVID-19 precautionary measures and efficacy of vaccine are recommended.

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