A 60-year-old Female with Acute Bilateral Lower Limbs Plegia | 5660

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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A 60-year-old Female with Acute Bilateral Lower Limbs Plegia, Low Back Pain and Discoordinated Neurological Examinations

Author(s): Seyed Reza Habibzadeh, Ehsan Bolvardi, Elnaz Vafadar Moradi, Esmaeil Raeyat Doost and Mahdi Foroughian*


Classification of the spinal cord tumors varies depending on their placement in the spinal cord and their relationship with meninges. This case presenting to the Emergency Department with severe low back pain and acute progressive bilateral lower limbs plegia, in her clinical and neurological examinations both upper and lower motor neuron lesions founded. Spinal MRI of patient showed an extramedullary intradural mass posterior to T9-T12 vertebral bodies, which was highly suggestive for meningioma and a central bulging of lower discs that could cause mild pressure on the thec al sac. These combinations of pathology causes upper and lower motor symptoms for our patient.


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