A Demographic Profile of Patients Presenting with Post COVID | 103069

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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A Demographic Profile of Patients Presenting with Post COVID Mucormycosis: Risk Factors and their Ophthalmic Involvement in a Major Tertiary Care Center in Central India

Author(s): Richa Tripathi*, Bahubali Jain and Ritika Tripathi


Objectives: The study is performed to search for the probable cause of sudden rise in incidence of post COVID mucormycosis and demographic profile of such patients.

Materials and methods: This is a retrospective study conducted on 100 post COVID patients admitted in mucormycosis ward in NSCB medical college during month of May 2021. Risk factors, demographic profile and clinical presentation of the patients were reviewed with special reference to ophthalmic involvement.

Results: Upon analysis it was found that maximum 69% patients were of age group 41 yrs-60 yrs and 56% presented in 1-3 weeks, 66% patients had history of hospital admission and 34% were home isolated, 62% had history of oxygen requirement, 41% of which required it for 5-10 days, 88% had history of steroid and also 88% were found to be diabetic. 60% of the patients had ophthalmic symptoms out of which 38% were unilateral blind and 5% were bilateral blind.

Conclusion: Spores of mucormycosis have been ubiquitous in nature but there has to cause search of these docile spores overpowering human immunity and causing fatality. Given due to high mortality and rapid progression of mucormycosis it is of utmost importance to upraise awareness, identify the high risk groups, recognize the disease in earlier stages and treat aggressively with multidisplinary approach involving both surgery and specific medication.

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