Awareness About Risk Factors and Complications in Artificial | 59288

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Awareness About Risk Factors and Complications in Artificial Organ Transplantation: A Survey Based Analysis

Author(s): Obuli Ganesh Kishore S, Keerthi Sasanka*, Jothi Priya A and Dhanraj Ganapathy


Artificial organs are manmade organ devices that are implanted in human living tissue to replace a natural organ when there is a necessity to perform a specific function. The main aim of this study was to assess the awareness about the risk factors and complications in artificial organ transplants among college students. A self-structured questionnaire was circulated among college students through online google forms link. The responses were collected, and the results were statistically analysed in SPSS software. The results were represented in the form of pie charts and graphs. Results and conclusion: Majority of the survey population are aware that there are artificial organs engineered. They also think artificial organs can be as effective as natural organs and they may also have some side effects. Hence the awareness and knowledge about artificial organs is assessed. This survey may bring out changes in the field of organ transplants in the future.

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