Comparison of Progress of Labour with Maternal and Fetal Out | 87665

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Comparison of Progress of Labour with Maternal and Fetal Outcome with and Without Epidural Analgesia

Author(s): R. Ramya and K. Saraswathi*


In our study, 100 parturients in active labour (4cms) were selected according to inclusion and exclusion criteria stated in the methodology. Progress of Labour was plotted in both the groups with the help of Partogaph.periodically maternal vitals and fetal heart sounds were monitored. Duration of labour,mode of delivery,maternal complications, newborn apgars at 1 min and 5 mins and NICU admissions were compared. Duration of first stage and third stage is not affected by by epidural. Duration of second stage of labour is prolonged by epidural compared to the control group. Epidural analgesia is a safe,and,effective method of pain relief during labour.It is a boon to the parturating mothers. However the women randomised to epidural group had impact over the labour to some extent.

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