Delayed Development of Mandibular Second Premolar: Review an | 89105

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Delayed Development of Mandibular Second Premolar: Review and 7 Years follow up Case Report

Author(s): Zain Hafiz*


Hypodontia defined as the congenital absence of one or more permanent teeth and the delay in tooth formation is considered a milder presentation of tooth agenesis. In this case report, a case of 12.5 years old girl with delayed formation of a mandibular left second premolar for which she was followed up for 7 years. The mandibular left second premolar was congenitally missing at the initial radiographic examination when the patient was 5.5 years. At the age of 7.5 years, in the recall visit, an unexpected ontogenesis of the mandibular left second premolar took place. The initial treatment plan with the orthodontist was modified and new treatment options were discussed. It was concluded that pediatric dentist and orthodontist should follow up their growing patients with congenitally missing second premolars until the age of 7 years or even later and schedule them for a regular recall radiographic examination to confirm the diagnosis before finalizing the treatment plan.

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