Histological Patterns of Common Palmar Lesions | 61387

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Histological Patterns of Common Palmar Lesions

Author(s): Pappuri Keerthana Bhaskar and Jayakar Thomas*


Palmar lesions may occur alone or along with involvement of soles and other areas. The most common conditions of palmar lesions are Psoriasis, Eczema, Dermatophytosis, Verruca vulgaris, Syphilis and Seasonal exfoliation. Other conditions over the palms include Drug induced, Callosities, Keratoderma and Heloma. Skin biopsies have received from enrolled patients. We looked at the H&E-tained sections of the skin biopsy of palmar lesions to observe different histopathological patterns and to conclude the most common histological pattern in our study, where it was seen that parakeratosis was more uniform in active lesions, Munro micro abscesses were larger and more numerous. which concludes that psoriasis is the commonest palmar lesion. we conclude that the commonest palmar histopathological pattern was Psoriasis over palms and shows significant role in concluding the diagnosis and Clinico pathological correlation is always the best to aid in the final diagnosis which helps in the proper and further management of the patient.

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