Jaleel hernia in nine month of male patients | 97000

Journal of Research in Medical and Dental Science
eISSN No. 2347-2367 pISSN No. 2347-2545

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Jaleel hernia in nine month of male patients

Author(s): Jaleel Hussien Hammoodi Al Obaidi*


Congenital inguinal hernias occur when the abdominal cavity extends as a sac-like projection in the groin on one or both sides toward the labia or scrotum. The aim of the present study was to operate rare type of left inguinal hernia with the surgical procedure. A nine month old male patient was admitted at Alshafah private Hospital during Feb 2019 and diagnosed with left scrotal swelling. Congenital malrotation was diagnosed by various clinical tests such as Ultrasound (to determine the normal position of the abdomen), X-ray and CT scans. In the X-rays, abdominal X-ray (intestinal obstructions); Barium enema X-ray (barium is inserted into the intestine through the anus) and X-ray were performed for the prognosis. CT scans contrast was performed by the harmless dye. It was injected to see the sight of obstruction. The patient was kept for 48 hours under clinical examination. The left scrotal swelling was red and irreducible inguinal swelling was observed for two days (Figure 1). The patients also had tender fever. A professional diagnoses acute epididymo orchitis or torsion of left testis. The ultrasound revealed indirect inguinal hernia, defect measuring 27mm with irreducible herniation of bowel loops. It showed diminish vascularity at time of examination with normal left testis displaced inferiorly by hernia sac, smooth outline, and homogenous in texture. There was no focal lesion could be seen. It shows normal parenchymal in color Doppler flow and LT epididymis with a right mild hydrocele. Roentgen equivalent man (REM) for an ultrasound of testis revealed that the bowel loops on the side of inguinal hernia sac, showing diminished vascularity of bowel loops. The patient was discharged in a good general condition. The sutures were removed after 7 days. The postoperative chest X-ray showed the normal location of the heart. The ultrasound showed malrotation of the bowel only. The study can be concluded as the left side inguinal hernia can be treated successfully, through its prevalence is very rare. The family history should be taken into consideration while diagnosing the hernial condition.

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